Savi’s Workshop, also known as Savi’s Electronics, is a Galactic Republic online storefront on the galaxy Duro to be found in the Old Republic Era. For players who enjoy role playing games, or MMORPGs for that matter, this site offers many features. The main focus of this website, however, is providing easy access to content for leveling and character building, as well as selling items from Swtor to get credits. Click Here for More info
Savi Sabet’s Workshop at Disney World
The Galactic Republic website was originally built and hosted by Swtor player Villuos, who created the site with the intention of providing a shop for gamers who wanted to do trading and auctioning. Although the idea may seem ridiculous now, it was a good way for him to make some quick money and support the site he was working on. He made three plans to sell items from Swtor through his website, but before he could start, he got banned by Zynga for using a hacked credit card. This allowed him to build the website from scratch and later use his skills to level up all characters in the game and sell everything he had accumulated through the years.
As far as the Swtor leveling guide goes, it is probably one of the best guides out there. While it doesn’t give you any secrets that only the best players know, it does walk you through the leveling process step-by-step and through each of the five classes in the game. It has detailed walkthroughs of the most difficult encounters in each level, complete with screenshots to visually see what you’re doing wrong. Overall, it’s not the most informative Swtor strategy guide, but if you are an avid Star Wars player who wants to learn more about your favorite galaxies far away, or just want to get some extra weapons or other things for your favorite ships, then this guide is perfect for you.